Impacts of microplastics on the oyster _Crassostrea gigas_

Photo by Naja Bertolt Jensen on Unsplash

Microplastic contamination is a growing problem in coastal regions, but the impact of the ingestion and accumulation of microplastics on the physiology of marine organisms remains poorly studied.

This project uses a transcriptomic approach to evaluate gene expression profiles in the oyster Crassostrea gigas by comparing a site with a higher presence of microplastics with a site with a lower concentration. Our main interest is to study the potential impacts on reproduction, immune response and detoxification capacity.


Claudia Ventura López
Claudia Ventura López
Posdoctoral researcher
Biotechnoloy Department. CICESE
Miguel A. Tripp Valdez
Miguel A. Tripp Valdez
Posdoctoral researcher
Aquaculture department. CIBNOR
Clara Elizabeth Galindo Sánchez
Clara Elizabeth Galindo Sánchez
Principal Investigador
Biotechnology Department. CICESE
